4 OCTOBER 1856, page 10

Parbilln Theatricals.

A one-act vaudeville of more than common interest is now performing at the Gymnase. A wealthy man, played by M. Geoffroy, has been ruined by an unforeseen accident ; but the......


The week just past will not make a great figure in the dramatic re- cords of London. Had not Mrs. Emma Waller achieved her first essay in comedy, by playing Lady Gay Spanker at......

The Revenue.

16,719,703 Totals £1,114,288 1,185,013' 48,572 £1,689,071 79,524 3,391,232 £3,211,708 Net Increase. II. Increase and Decrease in the Quarter, Half-year, and Year ended September......


On the 8th September, at Oldmixon-super-Valley, Chester County, U.S.. the Wife of Commander G. H. Oldmixon, R.N., of a son. On the 14th, at Malta, the Hon. Mrs. Augustus Lane......