Since the measure adopted by the Bank of France last week of raising their rate of discount, great preparations have been made against a similar 'movement by the Bank of England ; and the demand for money at that es- tablishment by the lading: houses became so excessive, that the Bank, with- out waiting for their usual weekly Court, raised their rate on Wednesday from q to 5 per cent. As it is probable that a large amount of capital will be sent to Pans and other places on loan, so long as it can be had on cheaper terms on this side and the rate of exchange on London continues favourable for such an operation, and as money in France and Prussia is worth 6, and in Hamburg 8 or 9 per cent, it is considered that a more stringent course must be taken by the Bank to prevent the present continuous drain, and that they will act at any moment that may be deemed expedient, apart from the weekly board-day. A kind of panic prevails in Pans, and securities have fallen considerably. The stock of bullion in the Bank of France is stated to be decreasing daily. Some violent fluctuations have occurred on our market, and the Bank is said to have been selling Stock. On Tuesday, Consols realized 11 less than last week ; they descended to 91f. Independently of a fall on the French Bourse and the drain of specie, they were affected by the circular of Russia regarding Naples. Subsequently there was a rapid rebound of 1 per cent, through many of the recent sellers buying in their accounts, and favourable reports of the quarter's revenue : they have since reached 931. The alteration in the discount-rate produced no immediate effect. Yesterday Consols were done at 921, and afterwards I higher. Today there was a further improvement of I per cent, but it has not been maintained. Consols for both Money and Account leave off at 921 Exchequer Bills are 3a. lower this week. There has been a rapid reeovary of 4 per cent on the Vienna Bourse. At Amsterdam prices are a little better. The Corn-market has been firmer. Specie has been received from New York amounting to 342,243/. Gold continues to be exported to the Conti- nent at the rate of about 40,0001. per day. Accounts from China mention a fall of about 8 per cent in the rate of exchange at Shanghai: the shipments of silver to that port may consequently be lessened.
Foreign Stocks were very heavy early in the week, but they have rallied since ; though some Stocks still show depression. Belgian is 1, Danish Three per Cents 1, Turkish lower. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents 2, Ditto Four per Cents, Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Venezuela, 1, Brazilian, Mexican, and Peruvian Three per Cents 1 better.
Railways have partaken of the general feeling prevailing in other de- partments, and variations occur upon every movement in Consols : latterly there has been a better tone. Great Western is 1/. better than last week, and Great Northern and South-Eastern 10a. Bristol and Exeter is IL, Lancashire and Yorkshire London and North-Western, London and South- Western 10a., and Midland 58. lower. In Foreign Shares there has been depression in the following—Paris and Orleans, 11. ; Western and North- Western of France, 15s.; Eastern of France, and Grcat Central of France, 10*.; East Indian, Northern of France, Paris and Lyons, So.; Great Indian Peninsula, 2a. 6d.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account
99.21 I
Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents 64 6 95 7 rid.
3 per Cent Reduced shut Mexican 3 per Cents 22 i New 3 per Cents shut Peruvian 44 per Cents 77 9 Long Annuities shut Ditto 3 per Cents 55 7 ex d.
Bank Stock shut Portuguese 4 per Cents 48 9 Exchequer Bills 7 11 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 106 8 India Stock 226 30 Ditto 44 per Cents 96 8 Austrian 5 per Cents 85 8 Spanish 3 per Cents 42 3 Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 ex d. Ditto Deferred 241 f Belgian 44 per Cents 968 Sardinian 5 per Cents 89 91 Chilian 6 per Cents 102 4 ex d. Swedish 4 per Cents 85 8 Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Turkish 6 per Cents 994 10 Ditto 3 per Cents 83 5 exd. Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed. 1004 10
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, Cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 27th day of Sept. 1666.
Notes issued £28,603,940 Government Debt g11,015,100
Other Securities 3,489,900
OW Coin and Bullion 11,128,940
Silver Bullion
Proprietors' Capital Rest £14,563,000 3,454,416 Government Securities (inclu- ding Dead Weight Annuity). £11,984,963
Public Deposits.
8,409,561 Other Securities 19,616,384 Other Deposits 9,956,613 Notes 6,379,710 Seven Days and other Bills... 927,399 Gold and Silver Coln 640,432
£37,601,479 • Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, &Dividend Meta.
The Directors of the London and County Bank, with a view to increase confidence in the bank, have published and circulated a full account of the proceedings at the last meeting of the proprietors, .including the report by Mr. Coleman the accountant, and a list of the proprietors.
Mr. Mechi has finally resolved to take no part in the management of the Unity Life and Fire Offices, concentrating his attention on the Banking establishment.
At a meeting of the Hungarian Land Company, on Thursday, after Mr. Caird's report had been received, an attempt was made to carry a resolution to dissolve the company ; but on a poll the votes were only 1370 for dis- solving, against 1560 for proceeding with the undertaking. It was stated that only a portion of the shares have been subscribed for. The Peel River Land Company is to be brought under limited liability under the new Joint-Stock Companies Act.
It is announced that the Legislative Council of Ceylon have consented to the guarantee of 6 per cent on. the capital of the proposed railway.
Climax PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday October 3, including season-ticket-holders, 28,176.
The English Funds have fallen this morning, and wear a very heavy appearance ; Consols for both Money and the Account are 921 1. Exchequer Bills 7 to 11 premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England exhibits a large decrease-363,2301. The West India packet yesterday brought 140,000/. The shipments of specie to India and China by the Pera are less than were expected—they amount to 778,7631.; of this 775,050/. is silver. Foreign Stocks have not altered. Railways are dull—London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1051 ; Bristol and Exeter, 931; Caledonian, 54; London and North-Western, 104 ; London and loath-Western, 1031 ; North- Eastern—Berwick, 791; Midland, 77.
In the gnglish Funds a further decline of I has occurred since the morn- ing; Consols for Money and the Account leave off at 92i a. Exchequer Bills 7 11 premium. _Exchequer Bonds have been done at 991 9. In Foreign Stocks there has been very little doing, and the market has been free from fluctuations.
In Railways, sales have been effected at rather lower prices—Bristol and Exeter, 931; Caledonian 54; Great Northern, 92k; Great Western, 64f ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 951; London Brighton, and South Coast, 105; London and North-Western, 1011 London, and South-Western, 103f ; Midland, 761; North British, 37; Nohh-Eastern—Berwick, 7k; Ditto York, 55f ; Great Indian Peninsula, 21f ; Great Western of Canada, 221 ; Paris and Lyona; t11: Joint Stock Banks—Australasia, 104; City, 67 • London and County, 311; Oriental Bank Corporation, 38k; Ottoman Bail,' South Australia, 36, Union of Australia' 651. Miscellaneous—Australian Agri- cultural, 24; Canada, 114; Crystal Palace, 2; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 70; Royal Mail Steam, 70.