4 OCTOBER 1986, Page 23

LETTERS Justice Anwarul Haq

Sir: I have read Miss Benazir Bhutto's interview with Edward Whitley (23 Aug- ust) in which she has made a very serious attack on my integrity as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan who had the onerous task of presiding over the bench which decided Mr Bhutto's Appeal. Miss Bhutto is quoted to have said, Do you know? The Chief Justice of the Sup- reme Court said, "We know Mr Bhutto is innocent, but it is our political duty to sentence him to death. Until he is political- ly eliminated, you cannot have democracy in the country." ' I am horrified at the suggestion made by Miss Bhutto in her interview with Edward Whitley which was published in your maga- zine and take great exception to it. I must categorically state that I never made any such comment either before or during the course of the Appeal or at any time after its decision. It was clear to me and my brother justices that the eyes of the world were awaiting the outcome of the Appeal which took more than ten months. Mr Bhutto himself continually expressed his profound confidence in the Supreme Court during the Appeal. We have always equated our legal system with that of other common law jurisdictions where the integrity and impar- tiality of the judiciary are paramount.

The trial had been conducted in the first instance by the High Court in a proper manner totally independent of political influence. The case against Mr Bhutto for conspiracy to murder his political oppo- nent was proved on the basis of testimony and overwhelming evidence. His convic- tion and sentence were upheld by the Supreme Court in Appeal after giving the fullest consideration to the lengthy submis- sions made by both Mr Bhutto in person and his lawyers.

Miss Bhutto's claim is totally false and politically motivated. Significantly enough Miss Bhutto's claim has been made for the first time after more than seven years by publishing this false and malicious state- ment in your journal.

Justice Anwarul Haq

Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan 1977-1981, do Tasselli and Co, 172 New North Road, London N1

The editor would like to point out that Miss Bhutto's quoted remarks did not represent the Spectator's point of view.