4 OCTOBER 1986, page 23

Malay Runs Amok

Sir: The old East Africa Standard in Nairo- bi, under the command of its then editor, Colonel Kenneth Bolton, was a great believer in the Daily Telegraph style book (Ronald......

Advanced Opinions

Sir: I never dreamed that the Spectator would publish an article with so many errors as you did with Brian Inglis's out- burst (Tiltdown bird', 13 September) against the fossil......

Slight Slight

Sir: The underlying misoneism which in- forms Christopher Booker's uninformed comments on my work at the Dorset County Museum (Diary, 13 September) simply demonstrates how......

Cost Of Labour

Sir: Jock Bruce-Gardyne's article of 12 July has belatedly come to my attention. In it he says, 'According to the City Universi- ty Business School, what is known of Labour's......

Letters Justice Anwarul Haq

Sir: I have read Miss Benazir Bhutto's interview with Edward Whitley (23 Aug- ust) in which she has made a very serious attack on my integrity as the Chief Justice of the......


Sir: In Low life of 20 September, Jeffrey Bernard wondered who qualified for aid from the Distressed Gentlefolks Associa- tion. In Herefordshire they reckon assistance should be......

The Spectator

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