Not the least important feature of the various sections of the Harmsworth Press has been the remarkable ability dis- played throughout on the business side. At the recent annual meeting of the Amalgamated Press a remarkably prosperous state of affairs was disclosed, having regard to the conditions of general trade depression under which the profits -have been earned. In justice to the organization, however, it is Only right to recognize that the financial record has bcea consis- tently good throughout. During the past year there was a further increase in the profits, the Rese,rve Fund was further strengthened and the Chairman, Sir George Sutton, was able to refer to some important 'prospective features with regard to the company's publications. Nor, I think, was it inconsis- tent, either with sound management or the prospect of future dividends, that Sir George should have emphasized the many difficulties under which industry is suffering to-day, and which affects newspaper and, indeed, all enterprises. To be fore- warned, however, is to be forearmed, and, just as the original success of the business was due to the shrewd foresight of its founders in things pertaining to the tastes and require- ._ merits of the public, so the disposition to-day is manifestly not to be content with past laurels, but to continue to look ahead. * * * *