Good Though The Opportunity Is For A Settlement With The
freshly promised help of the Government, we must admit that the conditions are not by any means favourable for the drafting of a sensible policy by the miners. The Federation is......
News Of The Week
M R. CHURCHILL'S speech about the coal dispute in the House Of Commons on Tuesday was in a new key. It might have been spoken by the Prime Minister. It was forthcoming and......
The Officials Of The Miners' Federation Met The Minister Of
Labour and the Secretary for Mines in London. The miners had specially asked for this meeting and Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland had come hurriedly from Scotland and Colonel Lane Fox......
Mr. Churchill Pointed Out To The Miners That The Coal
stoppage, though it had had most serious results, had not held up the life and industries of the country to anything like the extent that might have been anticipated. In these......
The Immediate Result Of The Meeting On Thursday, August...
was that Mr. Smith said "I will fight a bit yet," but Mr. Cook issued a statement the next day to the effect that he was convinced that at least "some Ministers" wanted "the......
On Monday The Executive Of The Miners' Federation Met In
London, but nothing was decided except that the delegates' coact:nice must bear the responsibility, which is too much for the Executive. It is said that a majority of the......
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London, W.C. 2. — A Subscription to the SPECTATOR costa Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The......