4 SEPTEMBER 1976, Page 12


Dr Waldheim and Israel

Sir: I regret that I have only just seen the correspondence which appeared in your columns recently, regarding Dr Waldheim, Israel and the Entebbe incident. Nevertheless I hope you will he willing to grant further space to this issue, both to allow an opportunity for putting the record straight and because of the continuing incidence of hijacking as witnessed by the Luxor incident of 23 August.

Mr Marnham, in his letter of 31 July, replied effectively to the quite appalling association of Dr Waldheim and his Austrian countrymen with the Nazi persecution and massacre of the Jews. He and others, however, repeated the statement that Dr Waldheim had condemned Israel. Immediately after the incident there was gross misrep,orting by a -section of the media, but even these never suggested a condemnation by the United Nations Secretary-General. Well before the appearance of Mr Prittie's letter on 17 July, apologies had been made by the Managing Director of Reuters and it had been clearly proved by the existence of tapes of the interviews that the SecretaryGeneral had not used even the reported phrase of 'flagrant aggression'.