4 SEPTEMBER 1976, page 12


Bloody genius Jeffrey Bernard If you ever take anyone racing for the first time and, presumably, intend for them to like the business, then I must advise you not to try them out......


Dr Waldheim and Israel Sir: I regret that I have only just seen the correspondence which appeared in your columns recently, regarding Dr Waldheim, Israel and the Entebbe......

J. M. Keynes

Sir : As an eager student of macroeconomics, with some political ambition, I really did appreciate the recent article in the Spectator by Robert Skidelsky, on the nature of......

Christianity • Sir: We Expect . Scholarly And Competent...

serious books in the Spectator. In his review of Paul Johnson's A History of Christianity (21 August) George Gale reveals an astonishing ignorance and prejudice concerning the......

Orchestral Planning Sir: While I Admire N. R. Fearey's...

cannot his sentiments (Letters, 7 August). Orchestral seasons need more, not less , planning of the Boulez kind, whether it emanates from Olympus or the beach; far too many......