4 SEPTEMBER 1976, Page 12

Orchestral planning Sir: While I admire N. R. Fearey's vigour.

cannot his sentiments (Letters, 7 August). Orchestral seasons need more, not less, planning of the Boulez kind, whether it emanates from Olympus or the beach; far too many randomly ramble on without coherence. The Haydn-Stravinsky series was, for me, most rewarding (I am sure Mr FeareY would have found his Haydn-Shostakovich link rather more arid). Every generation has its share of musical drivel, and ours is no exception. But to give contemporary music its head is much wiser than to bury it untried and unheard. The worst will blossom (if it can), wither and perish, while the best will survive as nuggets of gold-dust in a prospector's pan. AnY other way would savage musical initiative and shrivel our tradition. Let Mr FeareY complain when Radio Three ceases to patronise (as a modern Esterhazy) all tYPes and periods of 'serious: music: that will be the danger-point.

John Bridcut 12 James Street, Covent Garden, London WC2