4 SEPTEMBER 1999, Page 47



Andrew Robson

MICHAEL MATES, Conservative MP and ex-minister for Northern Ireland, and his son James, the television reporter, were in opposition on this week's deal. James had reached an ambitious 6+ contract after East had opened the bidding. Ambi- tious it may have been, but it was an excel- lent contract that was destined to succeed. That is, until West, Michael, found the devastating opening lead of a trump.

Dealer East North-South vulnerable 4 K Q 5 4 3 IP A 7 5 3 2

• 3 ▪ J 8

4 9 8 7 2

Q .1 6 • 9 8 7 • K 6 2

4 A .1 10 6 p 9 8 4

• K Q J 10 4 • 4



South West

2+ pass 5+ pass pass pass

4 • K10 • A 65 2 • A Q 10 9 75 3

The Bidding North East 1,

24 pass 6+ pass Michael, divining that James would be using dummy's trumps, promptly took one away by leading +2. On, say, a diamond lead, James would have won •A, trumped 112 with +8, and led 4K to East's 4A, trumped in hand. He would have trumped *5 with +J, cashed 4C) discarding his last •, crossed to rK, cashed +A and given up his only trick to +K. But James showed his skill — he has won several prestigious tournaments in the US where he is currently working — and emerged victorious despite the opening trump lead. Can you see how he did it?

James won dummy's +J at trick one and led 4K, trumping East's 4A. The ruffing finesse was almost certain to succeed in the light of East having opened the bidding. He then cashed VK, crossed to VA, cashed 40 discarding *2, then trumped 413. With both opponents following to three rounds of Vs, dummy's Vs were established. He trumped *5 with +8 and led r, discarding his last Michael trumped with +6 and led •9 but James trumped, cashed +A felling Michael's +K, and tabled his remaining cards, all trumps. Note James's technique in delaying trumping a • in dummy until after he had established the Vs.