Dope Makes You Nasty
From Mr Jay Corbett Sir: The article 'Absolutely spliffing' (21 August) seems to me irresponsible and dangerous nonsense. My wife works with drug addicts, and I've never heard......
Tony's Phonies
From Mr Frederick Forsyth Sir: Mr Mark Seddon's article (Politics, 28 August) underscores what I and others have been noticing for some time: a grow- ing disenchantment mounting......
Cheep Idea
From Mrs Katie Grant Sir: I was having difficulty believing that Petronella Wyatt finds Mr Hague even secretly sexy (`Leave Will alone', 2 8 August), but all was made clear when......
Drinking Strine
From Mr David Morgan Sir: Michael Duffy's rant (Elizabeth II boomerangs back', 21 August) leads me to ask what on earth is wrong with Chardon- nay? Wine is a major Australian......
Diagnosing Bias
From Mr Richard Law Sir: Mr Clive Elliot's explanation for the domination of the BBC by the Left may only be half right (Letters, 28 August). Years ago, the late Lord Hill of......
Tito, Ethnic Cleanser
From Mr Petar Jankovic Sir: David Turner's suggestion that Mihailovic's Chetniks are the political ances- tors of today's Serbian ethnic cleansers (Let- ters, 21 August) is a......
Letters Parents' Role In Schools
From Mr Jonathan Hulme Sir: Yet another article about education (`The enemies of learning', 28 August) has appeared in which the author, sickened by his own experience in a......