The Cabinet of Madrid is principally occupied wit; 6 40-i arrangement
of the finances. Arrangement means, a bargain with foreign creditors to take considerably less than is " nominated in the bond." At the date of the last ads ices, nothing had been certainly de- termined upon. The non-recognition of the Cartes debt is still the great obstacle in the way of negotiating with London capitalists. Troops have been despatched to the frontier of Portugal ; and it is believed that an attemptwill be made to expel Don CAR LOS from that country. M. SARMENTO, the Minister from Donna MARIA, has been well received at Madrid. Up to the 27th of March, no re- signations had taken place among the Ministry ; though, as usual, several were talked of. The accounts from the seat of war are unsatisfactory, inasmuch as they bring no account of any decisive attempt by the Queen's troops to subdue the insurgents. In Madrid the warfare seems to excite little attention.