One Of The Spending Class.
" The embarrassments of a noble lord holding large and valuable possessions in the North, have at length come to a crisis, which has produced a powerful sensation, but no......
The Peers In Their Judicial Capacity.
" When Lord Denman attended the House of Peers on Tuesday, for the purpose of taking the oaths and his seat, there were no Peers present to introduce his Lordship. 'f lue......
--- Symptoms Of Whig Unpopularity.
IT is an unthankful office to speak disagreeable truths to a Prime Minister. "Through him the rays of regal bounty shine;" and they arc seldom suffered to fill upon the friend......
Since The Above Remarks Were In Print, We Have Learned
that Mr. ROBERT GILEME is appointed to the Treasury, and that the representation of the great county of Perth, for which he is a candidate, is to be jobbed. "If you will secure......
Otilcs Of The Day.
TIIE FUTURE KING CONSORT. IN the course of a few years, the Royal Family of England will probably be one of the smallest in Europe. There are only four surviving grandchildren......