One of our friends in Paris, who has excellent opportunities of feel- :Mg the pulse of the Court mid the capital, has sent us the following tomtits of his practice. We were not aware that Lours Plume himself wrote in the journals : this is one of the worst symptoms of his tna- lady—poor Grantur: the Third used to write in newspapers.
" There has been an extreme anxiety at Court to ascertain the feeling, of the English press on the subject of the Law against Associations. One of the newspapers here stated, it had information that all the Independent press of Eogland (from which they specially begged to love the Globe excepted) would hold the most condemnatory language, and tell the French people that the tnen of England had no greater preference for an illegitimate than for a legitimate despot ; perhaps rather less. But the very suspicion of any falling of of Eng- lish support, has much alarmed the Ministry ; and the .fournal des Debuts has published a declaration, that the Juste Milieu is not to be abandoned by the English press. The Jottraul de Path, the paper in which the King is iu the habit of launching his own royal lucubrations, has inserted, as evidence of the hie/ally feeling of the Timer. a long rigmarole pivot of twaddle, written, et the shape of a letter from Pate:, by an old correspondent of that paper, who lutunts the Palace and worshi Loci. Pusan., and who is allowed now and Own to fill a column of the Times, as a useless worn-out cat is permitted to oceepy the same spot on which it nisi:ed its better days. " Lord De a II:Cols presenre, and the speculations on it, fill half the news- parels. Re is come abeut Turkey—he is come about Belgium—he is r011le aim' ,t Algiers---he is come to help Dr. BOW R INC out of the mire. Ile is in ttn-lt /mom, like a wise man, about all these and a hundred things ht,ides. Iie it • 'tile to learn what Frailer is doing, and meaning to do; and, upon every tericet both of fot f.ign and domestir policy, he emweals none of his flu/tight:.
Nei need ; for his thoughts, wouls, and twtions, vombine to 110 hint honour."