5 APRIL 1845, Page 10



The business and fluctuations of the English Funds have been unimportant Prices have bad a downward tendency; though, in the almost total absence of any thing approaching to speculation, scarcely any but real bargains have been effected. All the Stocks the dividends upon which become due tomorrow will open for private transfer on Monday; the dividends will be paid to the bankers on that day, and to the publicgenerally on Wednesday. Bank Stock maintains its price, and is quoted at 2151. Exchequer Bills have risen slightly, the premium having ad- vanced to 68s.; but this advance has not been supported, and the closing price is 59s. to 61s.

In the Foreign Market, the demand noticed in our last report as occurring for

Colombian ex Venezuela still continues; and the price is 16. The proposi- tions of the Government of Ecuador were considered, and unanimously adoptec at a meeting of Bondholders held today, after an alteration, proposed by the Agent of the Republic, had been made in the period of the commencement of the divi- dend upon the New Stock, which will become payable in June next, insteacLof

r as first proposed. Some extensive sales have occurred both in Spanislt

Three per Cents and Active Stock; and a decline of nearly 1 per cent occurred in, both varieties: but the market has .since recovered, though not to the extent of the decline.. When the fall took place, a report was current that a Carlist in- surrection had broken out; for which there appears not to have been any founds Lion. We are inclined to refer the depression to financial and not political causes. Portuguese Converted Bonds are without material change; as are the Foreign Bends generally.

The transactions in Railway Shares have been more important than usual; and the purchases, mostly on account of Lancashire speculators, have been enormous. The operations have been chiefly in the less important varieties; and it is impos- sible to notice all that have been in favour. The most remarkable improvement has been in Cambridge and Lincoln, and Churnet Valley, among smaller lines, and Midland among the larger. The mania for purchase continues, and there does not appear any symptom of a reaction. The French Shares, especially the smaller ones, are in demand; and an immense business has been done in most of the new lines, without leading to any advance in prices. The rejection by the Chamber of Peers of the bill for suppressing share-gambling has given new life to speculation in Paris. The effect here has been very trifling; the advance in price of those shares affected by it not having averaged more than 2s. 661. per Share The allotment of the shares of the Great Paris and Lyons Railway took place on Monday; and, from the indiscriminate way in which they were distributed, they were currently sold in the Stock Exchange at Is. 3d. per Share premium, and hawked about in its neighbourhood at a lower price than that The price is rather firmer today; closing at about 4 premium.


Censols fell to 994 both for Money and Account .npon the arrival of the in- telligence of the disturbance at Lucerne; but have rallied slightly, and close at 994 for Money and 994 ft.for Account. There is . no material change in the prices of any of the Foreign Stocks.

The Railway business has been quite as extensive as usual, without causing any yery:znaterial fluctuation. The following bargains have occurred since the morn- ing:Adds-to] and, Exeter, 844; Ditto, New, 7; Cambridge and Lincoln, 94; Chur- net Valley, 74; Dias and Beccles, 54 64; Eastern Counties, 214 4; Edinburgh and Glasgow. 626 14; Ditto, New, 51 6; Ely and Bedford, 24 8; Great Western, 183; Harwich, 2/..4; Lancaster and Carlisle, 404; Birmingham, 234 6; Ditto, New Thirds, 434; Ditto, New Quarter-shares, 334; Blackwell, 84; Greenwich, 11"104; South-western, 804; Ditto, New, Eighths, 25; Croydon, 174; London and York, 84 3 24; Direct Northern, 61 51; Manchester and Leeds, 674 7; Man- chester and Birmingham, 61594; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 11 104; Midland, 154 6; Newry and Enniskillen, 4; Norwich and Brandon, 161 17; Rugby, 41 4; South- eastern and Dover, 43; Ditto, New, 961; South Wales, 3/ 1 1; Waterford and Kilkenny, 4; West Cornwall, 81 4; York and North Midland-, 103 4; Scottish Midland, 54 4; Boulogne and Amiens, 124 4; Bordeaux and Toulouse, 2i; Ditto and Cettoe, 24; Great Northern of France, 64; Lyons and Avignon, 84 1; Orleans and Vierzon, 184; Ditto and Bordeaux, 134 1 4; Paris and Lyons, (Lafitte,) 34; Ditto, (Ganneron's,) 24 4; Parrs and Orleans, 514; Paris and Rouen, 441; Paris and Strasburg, 2/ ; Strasburg and Basle, 134; Sambre and Meuse, 64; Great Paris and Lyons, 21 4; North of Spain, 34 1.

3 per Cent Consols ... • .. • .

99} Columbian ex Venezuela... 15} 16 Ditto for Account

994 4

Danish 3 per Cents 87 9 3 per Cent Reduced shut Dutch 2} per Cents

631 f

3}. per Cents shut

Ditto 4 per Cents

Long Annuities • shut Belgian 2} per Cents 97}

Bank Stock for Account ...

shut Mexican 5 per Cents 354 6 Exchequer Bills prem. 59 61 Ditto Deferred

161 f

India Stock

Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. MI 65} 6} Brazilian 5 per Cents 87 9 Russian 5 per Cents 116} 171

Belgian 44 per Cents

101 2

Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents

2 }

Chnian 6 per Cents

100 2

Ditto 3 Cents 1842 40} }

SATURDAY, 'rwszve o'cuice.

The transactions in the English Funds have been unimportant. A bargain oc- curred in Consols for Account at 994 before the opening of the Market; but the quotation has since reached 994, and is now 994 4. In.the Foreign Market, prices are generally the same. Spanish Active Bonds have been at 294; since at 4; and are now 294 4. Three per Cents have been at 401, and are now 406 1; Passive Stock has advanced from 64 to 74, and is now This improvement is in consequence of a rise having occurred in Paris on Thursday, when the Stock reached 8.

The Railway transactions are as multifarious as must Direct Northern (Ren- nide line) have improved 11, since yesterday, and are in demand at 81 premium. Nagy. and ErmiskJllen are also advancing. The following is a list of the bar- gains actually occurring : Aberdeen, 54 5; Birmingham and Gloucester, 1371; Caledonian, 131 1; Cambridge and. Lincoln, 1049:}; Chester and Holyhead, 94; Cliurnet, 8; Direct Northern, 54 64; Dublin and Belfast Junction, 10; Ditto, Galway, 41 1; Great Southern and Western, 171; Great North of England, 48; Ditto, New, 23; Harwich, 11; Birmingham, 235; Ditto, Thirds, 431; Blackwell, 84; London and York,-3; Lynn and Ely, 71 1; Midland, 154 5; Ditto, New, 181; Ditto and Birmingham and Derby, 115; Newark and Sheffield, 7 61; Newcastle and Berwick, 164; Newry and. Enniskillen, 44; North British, 194 19; Ditto,

New 64; South Devon, 214; South-eastern and Dover, (New, No. 3,) 94; South Wales, 64.