Revolutionary' Correspondence.
Since the English Government has assumed the office of a political de- tective police for all the states of Europe, it must leave no means untried to procure exact information.......
Signs And Portents.
A strange meteor was seen on Saturday night, at 1111. 50m. London mean time, (in important matters it is good to be particular,) near the star Alpha in Canis Venatica. Seen by......
Irish Catholic Church.
[PROM A CORRESPONDENT.] The lively fragment which the executors of the late' Sydney Smith have very properly published, follows most agreeably in the wake of a more se- rious......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FR/DAY AFTERNOON. The business and fluctuations of the English Funds have been unimportant Prices have bad a downward tendency; though, in the almost total......