1be court.
THE Court has been rather erratic this week. The Queen and Prince Albert, ac- companied by the Princess Royal, and attended by a small suite, left Windsor Castle at ten o'clock on Saturday morning, suitably escorted, and proceeded, by. the South-western Railway, to Gosport. Here General I'akenham was in at- tendance with a guard, and .duly performed the ceremony of presenting the Sovereign with the keys of the fortress. Entering carriages, the Royal party -went on to the Clarence Victualling-yard,- stepped into a barge, Lid were placed on board the Victoria and Albert yacht. The scene was such as has been often described,—Lords of the Admiralty and naval officers in attendance, carpets of crimson cloth, crowds of spectators cheering, salutes thundered from shipping gaily dressed m Lags.. The thunder and flags accompanied the voyage to Cowes,
m the Wight; where there were more people and more cheers. The -travellers reached Osborne House, the. Queen's marine villa, about three o'clock. The pony phaeton was in requisition daring her 'Majesty's short stay; but the retreat was enjoyed in strict privacy. Sir Robert Peelarrived at l&borne_House on Saturday evening, and remained till 'Monday.
The Royal party left the place at a quarter past two o'clock on Tuesday; and, traveocklling by the South-western Railway, arrived at Buckingham' Palace by seven dicl.
The- younger children, who had remained at Windsor, were. brought to town on Am same day, by the Dowager Lady Lyttelton. The Dutchess of Kent arrived at Clarence House yesterday, from Froginore. The Queen Dowager arrived -at Marlborough House from Willey Court, on
• Wednesday. .:Her ,Majesty was visited by . the Quell and Prince Albert on Thursday. Queen Victoria and the Prinedwent to the Haymarket Theatre on Thursday.
• Last night, there was a dinner-party at Backuagliam Palace: the Dutchess of -Kent, Prince Ernest of Hesse-Philippsthal, the Turkish: and Saxon Ministers, were 'among the guests. Prince Albert presided at a ;meeting of the Fine Arts Commission,yesterday. .
The. Grand Dutchess of Baden. ined with the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, at Kew, on Saturday. The party, including the Hereditary, Grand Duke and Dutchess of Mecklenburg-Saelits, went to the Italian Opera in the evening.
The Dutchess of Cambridge, with the Hereditary Grand Duke and Dutchess, left Kew on Monday, to visit the Duke of Rutland, at Belvoir Castle. The Duke of Cambridge entertained the Directors of the Ancient Concerts at 'dinner, in Cambridge House, on Wednesday; after which, the party repaired to the ' concert. Prince Albert was present at.the performance. Visits have passed between the Duke of Cambridge, the Queen Dowager, the Dutchess of Gloucester, the Princess Sophia, the Grand Dutchess of Baden, the Duc De Broglie, and Prince Ernest of Besse-Philippsthal. The Grand Datchess of Baden has been sightseeing—the Tower on Monday, St. Paul's on Wednesday, the Bank of England yesterday. The Dutchess of Gloucester has been indisposed for the last few days; but the indisposition is slight