The enemy last week refused to consent to the landing
at Danzig of General Haller's Polish Army, which is now on its way home from France. The Armistice clearly provides that " the Allies shall have free access to the territories evacuated by the Germans on their eaetern frontier, either through Danzig or by the Vistula, in order to convey supplies to the populations of those territories or for the purpose of maintaining order." But the Germans quibbled about the meaning of this clause, suggesting that the Poles were not " Allies," and that they might occupy West Prussia, the population of which is mainly Polish. Marshal Foclt in reply told the Germans to. send a representative to meet him at Spa. The enemy is, of course, testing the temper of the Allied Powers. If the Conference would only fix the frontier between Germany and Poland, especially in the region of the Lower Vistula, and decide the future of Danzig, floe Allies would be spared these unedifying disputes with defeated and impotent Germany.