Hollow House-walls.
[To smo Eorroa or THE " SpeorsToo."] Sm. — My experience of hollow walla disposes me to agree with Mr. Thackeray Turner and the Spectator, and against the opinion of Mr. J.......
[to The Editor Op Tan " Spectator."]
SIR,—In the Spectator of March 15th, p. 332, under Handi- crafts and Reconstruction, you speak of "the abominable practice" of building cavity-walled cottages, and quote Mr.......
[to The Erma Or The "spectator."3 Sta,—as N Former Member
of the N.S.L. (Bournemouth) and no an ex-officer of the National Reserve (later R.D.C.), I should like to tell you how pleased I was to rend your articles in your paper of......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator "] Sia,—mr. Thackeray...
remarks on hollow walls, in Ids communication published in your issue of March 29th, seem to me important in pointing out the weakness of such walls when they consist of two......
Switzerland During The Great War. Ito The Emma Or Vas
"Sesames.") Sza,—I spent the Last three years of the war in Switaerland after being classed as totally unfit, and my Impressions of the German-Swiss attitude differ radically......
The National Reserve.
[To THE EDITOR OT THE ..SPECTAT0109 Ete,—I em writing to you as a good friend of the old National Reserve. Do you not think that, in view of the plenteous bestowal of honours......