ITo THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—It is rather galling to find that after fighting the Bathes for four years, and after licking them soundly, their educated classes still labour undei the delusions that (a) the Entente "willed the war," and (b) Germany was not defeated in the field, but had to give in solely on account of our blockade. I was talking to a well-informed lady to-day who told me with evident sincerity that France and England bribed Russia to start the war in the interests of the Entente. An old man told a friend of mine the other day, with intense conviction, that in four years the Germans would be in France again. Our battle is but half won if Germany has not yet learnt the lesson that in the last resort might is not right, and that her defeat was no temporary affair, achieved by trickery or chance, but was, as we believe, a just retribution inflicted ou her by Providence. Perhaps, you. Sir, can suggest how we can bring home to these people Cl) the actual facts, military and political, which have caused her downfall, and (2) the inner and spiritual force which has brought them to pass. Could not the evidence of Neutrals be collected and brought to their notice?—I em, Sir, Ac..