The vagaries of the French judicial system, and the liability
of its machinery to the tampering fingers of the -politician, are illustrated once again in the acquittal of Villain, the murderer of 3L James. Villain did deliberately slay the Socialist leader by shooting him through the head. Villain was a mental and moral degenerate, in some degree at leant : therefore the jury, if it persuaded itself that deliberate " political " murder— especially when the victim is a Socialist—is a comparatively venial offence, need not have feared that Villain would be condemned by the law " to smeeze through the little window." Hardly one French journal whitewashes this extraordinary miscarriage of jostles. The Humanite describes the verdict as a grave provocation to the Labouriste and Socialists. The Lanterns points to the sharp contrast between Villain's escape and the death-sentence lately passed on M. Clemenoeau's assailant. The Tempe appeals for calm ; and Paris has too many important issues to discuss to-day, to make it probable that Villain's escape will lead to political turmoil.