THE lull in the news from the Far East, which has now lasted for eight weeks, still continues. Marshal Oyama to all appearance is either waiting or maturing some far-reaching plan, and General Linevitch has informed the Emperor that, despite the statements of foreign newspapers, his position is neither dangerous nor critical. "The flanks of the army have never been turned." The two armies are facing each other at some distance, and though the Japanese have endeavoured to approach nearer, they have had no success. The "bearing of the troops inspires me with complete confi- dence; our armies are ready for any task." That despatch doubtless will help to reassure St. Petersburg ; but if we were Russians, we should like to be a little more certain that General Linevitch knows his adversary's plans and move- ments. General Kuropatkin did not. For the present the only things certain about the land war are that the whole of Saghalien has been captured, and the island with its dan- gerous convict population placed under martial law; that the mouths of the Amur are in Japanese hands ; and that the defenders of Vladivostok so strongly apprehend a close siege that they have despatched all civilian residents to Blagovestchensk.