5 AUGUST 1905, page 26

Historic Mari Yes Of The Primitive Church.

Historic Martyrs of the Primitive Church. By Arthur James Mason, D.D. (Longmans and Co. 10s. 6d. net.)—Canon Mason has given us in this volume a most valuable contribution to......

Royal Commission On Coal Supplies: Digest Of Evidence....

(The Chichester Press. 21s. net.)—In 1861 Professor Hunt calcu- lated that there were 59,109 millions of tons of available coal, and that, reckoning the annual output at 60......

Some Of God's Englishmen.

Some of God's Englishmen. By the Rev. A. T. Bannister. (Jake- man and Carver, Hereford.)—Mr. Bannister puts forcibly some truths about the moral and spiritual aspects of human......

How To Manage A Baby. By Mrs. Frank Stephens. (horace

Marshall and Son. Id.)—It is important at this moment to have available some simple pamphlets published at a low price con- taining plain directions as to the management of......

The Geology Of South Africa.

C URRENT LITERAT LIRE. The Geology of South Africa. By F. H. Hatch and G. S. Corstorphine. (Macmillan and Co. 215. net.)—Systematic surveys have been going on in South Africa......

The Church Plate Of Pembrokeshire. By J. T. Evans. (w.

EL Roberts.)—This interesting; list shows—what, indeed, was already well known—the complete spoliation of the English and Welsh churches in the period 1545-55. This robbery is......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading ice notice such Books of the week as have not teen reserved for soviets in other forms.] Truth, Unity, and Concord. By Elizabeth Boyd Bayly. (Jarrold and......

The Sayings Of Muhammad. Edited By Abdullah...

and Co. 2s. 6d.)—This is a col- lection of good things which we are glad to have, and about which it would be ungracious to say a single word of depreciation. Here are some of......