The Church Plate of Pembrokeshire. By J. T. Evans. (W.
EL Roberts.)—This interesting; list shows—what, indeed, was already well known—the complete spoliation of the English and Welsh churches in the period 1545-55. This robbery is laid to the account of the Reformation, and, in a way, with justice. But three things must be remembered. First, that the robbers were men of the old faith,—that is, owed their training to it. Second, that Queen Mary completed the work that Henry and Edward had commenced. Between June 1st, 1553 (Edward VI. died on July 7th), and February 1st, 1553/54, 1921 oz. of gold and 72,332f oz. of silver were received into "the Queen's Highness Jewel Office." Third, that the work of supplying the churches with plate went busily on in Elizabeth's time. There are three thirteenth-century articles of church plate at St. David's Cathedral. From that time down to 1568 there is nothing. One church has plate of that year, one has plate of 1673, thirteen of 1574, nine of 1575, and thirty-seven plate dating from that time to 1603, in most cases the year being uncertain. Possibly five more pieces belong to the reign. This accounts for more than a third of the then number of parishes. Mr. Evans deserves the highest praise for his care and industry, guided as they have been by the knowledge of an expert.