Lord Balfour of Burleigh in reply showed that Lord Robertson's
fears about the work of the Commission were groundless, and that on the merits of clause 5 Scotland was practicably united. He did not like legislation about property, but private negotiation had failed, and it was the only way to Put an end to friction. The debate was concluded by a graceful speech from Lord Rosebery, who asked the House to send the Bill back to the Commons without amendment. The Bill should not be looked upon from the legal point of view ; it might be without precedents, but the state of things it was designed to remedy was without precedent. He thanked the Government for the patriotic efforts they had
made to bring about a settlement. The Bill, we trust, is now quite out of danger, and the Government justified by success in their introduction of clause 5. We have never doubted the abstract soundness of that clause, and rejoice at the increased freedom and power of comprehension which it gives to the Established Church.