THE BLACK BOX SIR,—In recent articles on this subject considerable
confusion of thought has been caused by overlook- ing the basic fact that these 'Radionic' and `Radiasthesia' boxes do not actually diagnose from the materials placed in them, but simply record what as in the mind of the operator concerning the person or animal being 'diagnosed.' This recording occurs whether the operator's mental concept is accurate, or
imaginary; he will get a reaction from the box when
the dials are set to correspond with what is in his mind at the time. If he thinks the specimen is from someone with nephritis, he will get various indica- tions of disease of some part of the kidney system, and similarly with other organs of the body if he suspects them of being affected. This does not indi- cate fraud, the operator may be completely sincere, but he always gets a reflex action through his fingers when the instrument numbers indicate the disease he suspects, and as it is a nervous reflex, he cannot prevent it. This gives him the impression that the Box is actually doing the diagnosis, but as various electronic engineers have pointed out, the internal structure of the Box gives no indication whatever that this is possible. Moreover, the operators them- selves say that they get correct results with the Box even if the wrong specimen is put into it, provided they are thinking of the right one If specimens of blood are given to an operator without giving hill) the slightest clue as to whether they have come from healthy or diseased individuals, it will be found he cannot even tell the sex of the donor, nor whether they have any disease or not.
Coming now to the use of these Boxes for treat- ment purposes, it has been known throughout human history that earnest prayer for the sick, or.concen- trated, unselfish, sympathetic thoughts Beni out to one who is ill, often have a beneficial effect, but no Box is needed as an intermediary, in fact it onlY confuses the issue and misleads all those connected with it as to what is actually happening.—Yours faithfully,
Sussex Place, Slough, Bucks H. TUDOR EDMUNDS