Sir,—do You Think That One Day Mr. , Allighan Will Realise
that first - hand experience of the Bantu is precisely what apartheid is designed to suppress? I don ' t. — Yours faithfully, 3 Lyndhurst Terrace, NW3 J. F. LEHIBRIDGF......
The Black Box Sir,—in Recent Articles On This Subject...
confusion of thought has been caused by overlook - ing the basic fact that these ' Radionic ' and ` Radiasthesia ' boxes do not actually diagnose from the materials placed in......
Congo Nerves Rosalynde Ainslie,
M. Mainza Chona, T. R. M. Creighton The Schizoid State Margaret D. Budd, J. F. Lethbridge The Black Box H. Tudor Edmunds After Wolfenden Harry Thorpe Tourist in Africa A. Khaki,......
Sir,—it Is Easier To Praise Than To Try To Criticise
Mr. Creighton ' s article Congo Nerves on page 173 of July 29 issue. Had he omitted the last paragraph of it, any adverse comment from an African would have been inconceivable.......
Sir,—may I Correct A Misprint In My Article Congo Nerves
printed last week? It read Sir Edgar White - head is ' kept out of touch with the African masses by . . the incompetence of the capital ' s Native Affairs Department. ' Capital......
The Schizoid State
Sm, — Two things need to be said in answer to Mr. Allighan ' s argument about Bantu morals. The first is that he can have read or taken in very little anthro- pology or anything......