The Earl of Winchilsca has addressed a letter to Mr.
Maxwell, M.P., contradicting the assertion made at the late meeting of the Orange Society in Dublin, that he had recommended the suppression of Orange Societies. He says it was furthest from his wish to make such a recommendation, and that be intended to recommend the forma- tion of a General Protestant Association throughout the empire, which every Orangeman might join.
Dr. Murray, Catholic Archbishop of Dublin was a candidate for admission into the Royal Dublin Society on Thursday week ; but was black-balled-80 being for and 64 against his admission. Many of the Tories are ashamed of this proceeding; for Dr. Murray's character is unimpeachable ; he is generally popular, and every way qualified. The Dublin correspondent of the Times says-
" The affair has excited a strong sensation in this city. Some Protestant members, with whom I have conversed, condemn the plot' •cuing, as one cal- culated to prejudice the Society as regards the continuance of the Parliamentary grant, which the Whig and Radical journals say nnist be stopped in future. It as not at all unlikely that the present Irish Government will recommend its withdrawal, or require a change In the organization of the Society."