The Master Of The Rolls, On Tuesday, Dissolved The...
he had granted on the Saturday week previous to restrain the Corporation of Liverpool from raising 105,000/. by mortgage for the purpose of augmenting the incomes of the......
A Meeting Was Held At The Freemason's Tavern, On Thur--day,
for the purpose of raising a subscription to relieve the Irish Protestant Clergy. The Archbishop of Canterbury took the chair, and explained the object of the meeting, in a mild......
The Proprietors Of The London University Held A Special...
meeting, in one of the halls of the institution, on Wednesday, to con- sider the question of the proposed charter, and other matters relating to it. About 400 proprietors were......
The Patrons Of The Scottish Hospital Dined Together On...
St. Andrew's Day, at the London Tavern ; the Duke of Gordon in the chair. About 150 gentleman were present. There were several vocal and instrumental performers engaged to add......