The opinion of Bishop WARBURTON respecting the principle on which
the alliance between Church and State is to be defended, has lately been brought into question : it never can be questioned again. Being much entreated by the Standard, the Courier this evening, in an article which we mean to transfer to our columns entire next week, has. supplied quotations from the writings of WaiteeeToN—that high au- thority among Churchmen—which cut the ground from under the ad- vocates of the Irish Church Establishment. ‘ValtlittitTON emphatically denies that the alleged truth of the doctrines of any sect justifies its being " established " by the State ; and announces as an incontrovertible principle that when the majority of the population ceases to belong to the Established Church, the alliance between that Church and the State should be dissolved, and a new connexion formed with the Church of the majority. Never was an appeal to authority so triumphantly met.