Another version of the Jewess, by, has been got
up,. with considerable splendour for a minor theatre, at the Victoria. The pageant is very gratifying to uncritical eyes ; and, what with a large expanse of stage, arid a platform all across the pit, the effect is very imposing. There were suits of armour too, such BS figure in the Lord Mayor's show ; and the tottering steps and lack-lustre looks of the wearers testified to its pondermis reality. The drama " diagged its slow length along" somewhat tediously on the first night; but by this time, we dare say, it is abridged to a more reasonable duration than four hours and a half.
In this version, by the by, the Jew is made to relent and s.ava Rachel of his OMR accord ; which, considering he knows she 'a not his daughter, is a most Ch,istian act of mercy, and one we were certainly not prepared for by his previous conduct. The piece was very creditably acted. Mr. ARCHER looked well, though too young for the Jew; more especially as Mrs. SELBY was the Jewess. Mr. ARCHER'S hard, monotonous voice, which he exerted. at times most painfully, reminded us of Wartne. Mrs. SELBY played very cleverly : but we should judge her forte to lie in comedy, for which her face and figure seem better suited. We dare say the at- traction of this piece will repay the Victoria Manager for the expense he has bestowed on it.