5 DECEMBER 1835, Page 8

The new afterpiece, The Carmelites, at Covent Garden, is of

slight materials, and not very lively as regards either the incidents, the dia. logue, or the acting ; and there is but little to reconcile us to the im- probability of the circumstances. The principal incident, and that on which the plot turns, is the entry of two young officers into a con- vent of Carmelites, in the disguise of monks,—of course for the pur- pose of carrying off one of the inmates; and the only fun consists in the giggling and romping of the novices, who write mock confessions, and play pranks with the superiors like a parcel of school-girls. There are two or three pretty pieces of music introduced. The acting calls for no remark.

PowEit is reengaged, and appeared last night in two of his favourite parts. He is announced to perform a principal character in a forth- coming drama called King ROMYELL'S opera 7'he Lord of the Isles, which was produced last season at the Sorry Theatre, has been brought out here with striking scenic effect.