5 DECEMBER 1914, Page 9


THE eleventh volume of Blackie's Children's Annual (Blackie and Son, 3s. 6d.) is as good as ever. It opens with a story by Mrs. George Wemyss, told in her lively and convincing manner. Pictures, verses, and stories of the simple, easily understood type follow each other in lavish variety in this volume.-The Wonder Bonk (Ward, Lock, and Co., -3s. 6d. and 5s.), with its attractive gold-edged cover, is also sure of a welcome in the nursery. The pictures and stories .are perhaps a thought less rollicking than in some other children's books, and thus form an agreeable change.-Mrs. Strang's Annual for Children (Henry Frowde and Hodder and Stoughton, 2s. 6d. net) is also a very pretty book, but for -rather younger children than the other two we have mentioned, and, besides the stories and verses, has instructive "chats" -about animals. The many coloured and black-and-white pictures are good.-.._...--The Tiny Folks Annual, edited by Mrs. Herbert Strang (same publishers, 2s. net), is a new _annual which mothers and children will alike appreciate. The editor says that the work of her contributors " is -distinguished by naturalness and simplicity without condescension," and these qualities, which are essential to a satisfactory child's book, are certainly to be found here. The print is clear and large, and the matter within the reach of a young reader. The coloured and black- and-white illustrations are pretty and amusing.-Leading Strings (Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co., ls. 6d. and 2s. 6d.) is also a good nursery book. It is printed on rougher paper than the last two volumes, and is not so consciously and " artistically " simple as Mrs. Herbert Strang's volume, but it is a nice book in its own way.-Admirers of Miss Lettice Bell's manner of adapting Bible stories for children will like The Tuck-me-up Book (Hodder and Stoughton, 2s. 6d. and 3s. 6d.). It is printed in bold type, and texts, stories, and hymns stand out with obvious and emphatic clearness. But those of us whose possibly over-sensitive taste this lady fails to satisfy will care no more for this book than for her former versions of Old and New Testament stories. The volume is illustrated.-Among the animal picture-books, Mr. Cecil Aldin's work is always attractive, and though his style varies but little from year to year, it has the great merit of being high-spirited and unsentimental. We can recommend his Bobtail Puppy Book (Henry Frowde and Hodder and Stoughton, 2a. 6d. net) as a present that will give merriment as well as pleasure to children.-Pirates Three and The Twins of Bunnyville are both written . and illustrated by Ernest A. Aria (Cassell and Co., 28. 6d. each). An older child would call these two books " very jolly for the kids," and he would be quite right in his judgment. They are amusing stories about animals. Pirates Three is indeed quite exciting, and the illustrations are cleverly drawn and well coloured.-The A.a.a.a.'s and the K.k.k.k.'s, verses by B. Parker, illustrated by N. Parker (W. and R. Chambers, 4s. 6d. net), is one of those oblong picture-books of which these authors give us a new specimen every Christmas. Here we have Persian kittens and Aberdeen terriers disporting themselves in all sorts of engaging ways for the entertain- ment of the children.-This year we meet The Peek-a-Boos at the Zoo, drawn by Chloe Preston and told by May Byron (Henry Frowde and Hodder and Stoughton, 3s. 6d. net). They are as queer and delightful in appearance and behaviour as their previous histories have led us to expect, and need no more recommendation from us.-The Children's Corner, rhymes by R. H. Elkin, illustrations by H. Willebeek Le Mair (Augener and Co., 3s. 6d. net), is a book of attractive verses about children, which they themselves will enjoy. The illus- trations are good examples of Miss Le Mair's engaging art. The gardens and the rooms that she shows us are so charming that we should like to walk and sit in them, and play with the children to whom they belong.-Mr. John Lane is publishing a series of pretty miniature picture-books, at la. net, of old and new fairy-tales. Puss in Boots, The Sleeping Beauty, and The Three Bears are illustrated by Mr. Walter Crane. Perez the Mouse, a Spanish story by Padre Luis Coloma and Lady Moreton, makes the attractive sug- gestion of changing the first tooth which becomes a burden to its young owner into a present. In Spain this welcome exchange takes place at night under the auspices of a mouse. This is a custom which might well be introduced into English nurseries. Mr. G. H. Vyse's illustrations are as engaging as the story itself.-Messrs. Dean and Co. have sent us two examples of their " Fluffidown " rag books, Baby Animals (3s. 6d.) and Big Animal Rag Book (68.). They are printed on a soft, fluffy material, which will show the ravages of time and dust sooner than their other rag-books, which are wonder- fully hardy, and often seem none the worse for very rough treatment. However, these fluffy books look fresh and charm- ing, and their softness is appropriate to a little child. Among the smooth rag-books we have Toy Animal A B C and When I Grow Up (for a little boy) (both at ls.), Santa Claus (2s.), Arabella Jane (for a little girl) (6d.), and On the Line (6d.).