5 DECEMBER 1914, page 24

Letters To The Editor.

COMPULSION AND RECRUITING. [To nog EDITOR 0T THR "13PECTATOIL."1 Srn,—After your strenuous advocacy of National Training for so many years past, I am surprised not to find the......

The Danger Of Distinctive Dress For Officers At The Front.

[To TIM EDITOR OF TEE " SYRCTATOR.n SIn,—Is it not high time that our authorities should put into force the lesson learned in the Boer War, and refuse to allow our officers to......

Recruiting In Ireland.

[To TEE EDITOR OF THY "SrEcTaron.n SIR,—I heartily concur in every word you have written regarding seditious Ireland. There is, however, the danger of too much being made out of......

Physical Standards For Recruiting. [to The Editor Of ?rr...

Sin,—Referring to " Civilian Recruiting Agent's " letter in your last issue and your note thereon, may I say how entirely I agree as to the age-limits ? As to the standard of......


ITO TER EDITOR OF MR ”spscrrroa."1 Sts.,—Many more recruits are needed. One of the chief reasons why more are not forthcoming is that inadequate use is being made of the public......

Men, Men, Men.

[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOL'rj SIR,—It is not to be wondered at that the ordinary public have not yet grasped the real meaning of this war and the result it may have for......