[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, ----R will interest many of your readers to knOW that the £1,200 Gas Essay ',Competition, which was annonneed . is your advertisement; columns iii October, has met with a success beyond our highest hopes. That over 30,000 readers applied to the British Commercial Gas Association for par- ticulars of the Competition, and that nearly 11,000 essays were actually sent in, is conclusive and welcome confirmation of Our belief both in the attention which is given to Press advertisements by all classes of newspaper readers, and in the widespread and intelligent interest which the public is rightly taking at the Present time in national and individual
fuel problems. -
A preliminary examination- shows the standard of the essays=stitanitfccl to be remarkably high, and their .quality and number combine to make impossible an announcement of results, as was at one time hoped, on December 1st. Every essay is to be Carefully read by a panel of competent judges, and the best essays selected by them are then to be rejudged by a Committee of well-known experts including independent Scientists and economists of the very highest standing. No less thorough method would be fair to so large and excellent a batch of essays on such a subject as the services of gas to the housewife, artisan, manufacturer, city and • nation. It will, as a result, be impossible to do full justice to competitors. before the 1st of March, on which day the names of the prize- winners will be published in the Press.—I am, Sir, &c., W. GobroLNebudir — (Executive Chairman,
British Commercial Gas Association).