This Week's Books
Sin ARTHL7R QUILLER-COUCH has chosen and edited The Oxford Book of English PrOse (Clarendon Press). Anthologists of verse are always denounced for their taste ; each critic......
• It Is A Pleasing Discussion Of The " Absoluteness
" of creative writing. Too much stress, Mr. Forster thinks, is laid upon the " personality " of works of art. The Ancient Mariner is not -primarily a poem by S. T. Coleridge :......
A Book Of The Moment
SIR RENNELL RODD'S MEMORIES Social and Diplomatic Memories. By Sir Rennell Rodd. ' (Arnold. 218.) Tim third (and perhaps the most delightful) series of Sir Rennell Rodd's......
Mr. G. K. Chesterton's New Book Upon Cobbett (hodder And
Stoughton) argues powerful!' for a non-literary view of Cobbett. ' " Cobbett was not merely a wrong-headed fellow with a knack of saying the right word about the wrong thing.......
The Same Press Publishes Mr. John Maynard Keynes'...
Short View of Russia. In it Mr. Keynes extends the kindly tolerance of a foreigner, from another civilization and culttire, to the oppressive vigour and idealism of the......
Results Of The Competitions
The Editor offered two prizes of £10 each, the first for an inscrip- tion for a sundial, in prose or verse, the second for an- epigram on woman, in four lines of verse: A • new......