[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—May I again venture to bring before the notice of your readers our annual Christmas appeal for help in our work of relieving the wants of the poorer clergy, as well as their widow. s , and orphans in the time of sickness, bereavement, or other.- temporary distress ? During the winter months-the applica- tions for assistance are -wont to become, more numerous and
This So •
more pressing. T ts eietytof which the Bishop of London is President) -has up:to May, 1925, aided nearly 50,000 cases of clerical distress besides distributing numerous .and_valuable gifts of clothing and household requisites. A large fund, . therefOre, is -needed to meet an ever-increasing number of appeals for help. The committee meet once a fortnight to consider the cases brought before them, and the needs and - merits of each applicant are the sole guide in their decisions. Although in certain instances Diocesan funds exist, the Poor _ Clergy Relief Corporation affords; assistance to the clergy in !very diocese, and,- indeed,- in all parts of the Empire, local charities being quite inadequate to meet the many pressing
cases which come before them. _ - Amongst the many claims which arc made on the-generosity - of the benevolent, `I think it can safely be said that there is . none more urgent than-ours.- Many of the clergy are bravely and silently trying An meet the difficulties resulting from sickness or other temporary emergency, and are working with an unflagging zeal . for their flocks. We need perhaps hardly emphasize the wants of widows and orphans. It is. impossible for many of the clergy on, their slender neaps to make any provision for those .who are left behind, when they :lie, and but for the help which this and kindred societies are able to dispense, the condition of such would be_desperate.--4
(Chairman of the Committee, Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral). Taristock, Place, Taristock Square, W.C. 1.
[We can heartib=lapiniend this cause. to our, reaclers„. The clew, with their slender stipends, often suffer cruelly, but they present a brave face to the World. They do not broadcast their troubles and their needs. The more reason that those who understand should help. ". We shall be happy to open a
Christi/Jos Fund for the Poor Clergy Relief Corporation and to give £10 lOs. Any donations' which our readers .may care to send to us will be acknowledged in the Spectator, and will be sent to-the Corporation. Envelopes should be addressed to the Editor and marked " Christmas Fund."—En. Spectator.]