The most important office, Finance, falls to M. Loucheur. On
Wednesday in the Chamber his financial projects were explained and the deputies were astounded by their severity. The awakening of a nation which, year after year, has failed-to pay its bills is bound to be very painful. The first point was that a further temporary inflation could not be avoided. That had been foreseen by every- body. M. 'Loucheur proposed to-borrow froth the Bank of France 6,000,000,000 francs. What shocked the Chamber was the rapid rate at which it was proposed to repay this sum. M. Loucheur demanded an increase, amounting in most cases to 50 per cent., on certain taxes now • levied on property And on business enterprises. This scheme -is, of course, quite distinct from the main proposals. for dealing with the floating debt which have vet to be revealed.