It would seem, mdeed, to be the great combines which are walking off with the big profits nowadays, for; as in the teictile industry,' so in fabaceb,--weTget some cjiate"sensational prat statements. The full Report of Carreras shag yet to appear, - but, from the dividend announcement and financial statement published during the past week, it is clear that profits have - even:risen above the good figures of the previous year, the amount available being1889,000. A year ago the large 'amblint of £352,000 was carried forward;, but of -that amount 2:240,b00 was capitalized and distributed-in a bonui issue of-Ordinary :, shares,, equal to 100 per cent. Last -year the dividend on the Ordinary was 50 per cent.' free of tak, and this dividend and bonus are now repeated on, both the original and bonu,s shares: Moreover, a further sum of. £70,000 has been -placed- to- the Reserye for Taxes and 260,000 to the General Reserve. Out of a remaining balance of £482,000, it- is.propoked to capitalize 2120,600 and to distribute bonus sbares- in the proportion of - one A Ordinary, share for ,every _four, Ordinary orA...Orclittary sharei held by shareholders on January 4t1i- next.