5 DECEMBER 1925, Page 48


The Stock Exchange has suffered a severe loss in the death, which occurred last week, of Mr. John Scrimgeour. Three weeks ago Mr. Scrimgeour was in his usual place in the City. but he became attacked by a long-standing complaint and had. to undergo more than one operation. He had been a member of the- House some twenty-seven years, and during that time had won the highest regard not only from his fellow-members but from financial circles in the City, where his knowledge. and experience were highly valued. His untimely death at the age of fifty-three has left a real blank in the Stock Exchange- and financial circles. A well-known banker, commenting in the Morning Post upon Mr. Scrimgeour's death, said : " He combined easily and without effort the cool, clear, and almost unerring judgment of a practised man of affairs with the warm- hearted, open-handed practical sympathy of a lover of