1 Depress the receiver; no need to commit yourselfl (3, 2, 3, 5) 9 Chatterbox gets the wine into the bag (9) 10 Claw the cards? (5) 11 Croakers who are nevertheless ornamental (5) 12 Later in the pack for the drips 13 Shakespeare's stewardess possibly (3-4) 1S Here was held the • Robber „ Council (7) II Alternative for 12 in the theatre • Overtake? What sauce! (5, 2) 41 I'm punctual and top-drawer, if , nlf-hand (9)
• 'Whenas in ----- my Julia goes' (Herrick) (5) Appearance between pounds and Pence of the squire (5)
a ht prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and is second prize of ^oft token for one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions on Dec. 16. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1,021, 99 Gower St., London, WCI.
Chembera's Twentieth Century Dictionary is revominemkd fur Crosswords.
25 [meant in a dull way to appear (9) 26 Not obviously the bones of contention (13) DOWN 2 No harm done here evidently (9) 3 Perfume from the country-dance (5) 4 Street-car on a pedestrian came with heavy tread (7) 5 'March, march - and Liddes- dale, All the Biuc Bonnets arc bound for the Border' (Scott) (7) 6 Enter Kitty in a French way before the footlights (9) 7 She reoeiv.ed a rosy wreath from Jonson (5) 8 'You spotted - with double tongue' (Shakespeare) (6) 9 Draughts can give rise to sulks (5) 14 Bent bars about the French prince shows he's escaped (9)
16 His work is definitely, marginal (9)
Solution on December 19 17 Doctor surmounts ailments with training (6) 18 Rep. isn't what it was after it gets this! (7) 19 Portuguese cash for an expedition with love? (7) 20 There's the possibility of a body being found here (5) 22 'Ring out false - in place and blood' (Tennyson) (5) 23 Embellishments to this Music are 21(5)
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