5 DECEMBER 1958, page 36

Parochiale Anglicanum

Collins Guide to English Parish Churches. Edited with an introduction by John Betjeman. (Collins, 30s.) MR. BETJEMAN is the true amateur, the opposite of the dilettante, and in......

• For Pulpiteers

Visible and Invisible: Christian Affirmations in a Secular Age. By Giovanni Miegge. (MO" brays, 15s.) 'To oblige an ordinary man to preach fifty ser- the tradition of incessant......

Flying Scotsman

The Thundering Scot. By Geddes MacGregor. (Macmillan, 25s.) The Tyrannous Reign of Mary Stewart: George Buchanan's Account. Edited by W. A. Gatherer. (Edinburgh U.P., 25s.) THE......