THE NOMINJItTON OF Mervyn Stockwood as WON of Southwark has
inevitably been noted in the press on account of his Socialist views. Certaihl! it is a remarkable appointment : is it, I wonder' the first time that the Crown has 'nominated a Labour bishop during a Tory regime? This iS 3 great tribute both to the integrity of government advisers and to the ministry of Stockwood self—both in the East End of Bristol and in the very different atmosphere of a university church' He will be sorely missed in Cambridge, where in little over three years he has made the mot+ bund University Church come alive in a rerna& able way—about a thousand undergraduates Pass through its doors on a Sunday during term." and he has been scrUpulously careful to suPPle: ment rather than supersede college chapels. II must have been hard for him to decide to leave Cambridge with his work there only just begin' ning, and! hope the Crown will take special cart to ensure a worthy successor. I understand that he is not to be consecrated until later next Year —is the rumour true, I wonder, that his con'ae. cration will take place on Labour Day? He will ensure that a breath—not to say a draught-01 fresh air will enliven the rather stuffy atmosPhere of the bishops' meetings. And it is good to he that at least one bishop will be sufficient independent-minded to break with the episeoPal custom of wearing hunting attire.