5 FEBRUARY 1831, Page 11


On Wednesday, the 2nd instant, the following Gentlemen ivere elected Fellows of Brasennose College, on the original fonnclation—T. J. Ormerod, B.A. of Brasen- nose ; T. T. Bazely, B.A. of Queen's College.

This day the following degrees were conferred :—Dontors in Divinity—The Rey. J. A. Cramer, late student of Christ Church, now Public Orator and Principal Elect of New Inn Hall; the Rev. C. \V. stocker, St. John's College.

In the course of the same morning, 1/r. Cramer was admitted, with the usual,. solemnities, by the Rev. the Master of Baliol Pro-Vice Chancellor, to the office, ale„ of Principal of New Inn Hall, vacant by the death of Dr. Blackstone.

On Saturday last the following Degrees were conferred :—Doeturs in Divinity—

Rev. J. A. Cramer, late Student of Christ Church, now Public Orator, and Principa3. Elect of New Inn Hall; Rev. C. W. Stocker, St. John's College. In the course 01

the same morning, Dr. Cramer was admitted, with the usual solemnities, by the Rev. the Master of Ballisi, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, to the office, &c. of Principal of New Inn Hall, vacaut by the death of Dr. Blackstone. The odice is in the gift of the Chancellor of the University. On Thursday last the following Degrees were conferred i—Bachefor rind Doctor in Divinity, by rieeuntubitioa—Th, Hon. and Very Rev. E. (trey, of Christ Church,- Dean of Hereford, Grand Compounder. ;Insley of .drts—Itey. Gaselee. St. John's Coll. Backe/ors of Arts—W. Irving, Jesus Coil. II. G. Watkins, Worcester Coll; J. Vincent, Worcester College ; P. Tweils, Worce,ter College ; J. Anstice, Student of Christ Church ; .1. Hopton, Brasennose College. On \Vednesday last T. T. Bazely of Queen's College, and T. J. Ormerod, Gentle- man Commoner of Brasennose College, were elected Fellows of that Society. On Thursday last, Mr. N. Pocock was elected au Exhibitioner of Queen's College, upon 111r. Michel's foundation,