5 FEBRUARY 1831, page 20

Royal Society.

February 3rd, 1831, GEORGE RENNIE, Esq. V.P., in the Chair. A paper was read " On the Lunar Theory," communicated by the Rev. Dio- nysius Lardner. D.D., F.R.S. The presents......

Letters On The Colonies—no. V.

TO VISCOUNT HOWICK, UNDER-SECRETARY OF STATE FOR MY Lonn—Men's minds are so deeply excited by the great question of Reform, that one cannot, at this moment, hope for much......

From The London Gazettes.

Tuesday, February 1. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. WARD and SUTTON Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, chymists—T. and W. JEN. NINGS, Pleasant Row, Spitalfields,......

Geological Society.

Wednesday, 2nd February, 1831. Present, Professor SEDGWICK, President, in the Chair. Robert Trotter Esq. was elected a Fellow of this Society. The Paper entitled "Supp lementary......

T Ii E Army.

WAR. OPPIC E, FEB. Regt. of Life Guards: Lieut. T. Medwin, from the half-pay of the 24th Light Dragoons,to be Lieut. vice G.W. Fox Lord Kinnaird, who exchanges ; Corporal T.......