e.* Eartere.—We have to express our regret that several errors of the press in the notice of Mr. Beesly's "Translation of the Annals of Tacittas " escaped correction. In the extract which concluded it, the word " shattered " was omitted before "army," and "blanching" was printed for "bleaching," "in yonder" for "on yonder," "these gibbets" for "those gibbets," and "how in his" for "and how in his." Another error must be noticed, though it must have told, detached as was the passage from the context, against ourselves rather than against the translator. We criticized the phrase "gloated over the bloodshed in a way, which, dregs as it was," but printed it thus, "deep as it was," a phrase which might very well pass. We willingly add Mr. Beesly's own explanation. He too, it seems, has suffered from the printers, who have run the two words "blood " and "shed " into one.