The New York Tines Gives A Curious Instance Of The
effect of American taxation. Hides are taxed, "lasting" is taxed, elastics are taxed, and the consequence is that the people of the Union pay an increased price of 71 per cent.......
A Telegram Has Been Received By The Hudson's Bay Company
stating that Riel, the "General" of the insurgent" WInnipeggers," has been taken prisoner, and the authority of General Mactavish (Macdougall?) restored. Nothing is said,......
Mr. Patterson Has Presented An Amateur Budget To The...
Chamber of Commerce. It is a bold one. He pro- poses to abolish all the assessed taxes, now yielding 11,165,496, the duties on fruit, coffee, tea, and sugar, and the excise on......
The General Result Of The Agricultural Statistics Just...
1869 is, that in that year and the previous one, nearly a million more acres were ploughed up for corn, farmers being tempted by the high prices. On the other hand, the number......
Mr. Gladstone On Thursday Received A Deputation From The...
Emigration League, which laid before him evidence of the existing distress, and asked him to bring the subject before Parliament, with a view to resolutions sanctioning loans to......
The New Cab Regulations Do Not Seem To Work Well
at all. Mr. Bruce's extraordinary idea of allowing passengers to steal the fare of any cabman who may take them up in the street has been declared illegal by one magistrate, and......
Sir Thomas Bazley, Speaking On Monday To The Manchester...
of Commerce, made a statement which will be warmly received in India. He said that, in his opinion, looking to the extent of the demand and the position of affairs in America,......
The Presbyterian Church Of Ireland Has Accepted...
The clergy have consented to surrender their life-interests so as to form the basis of a sustentation fund, which will be sup- plemented by contributions until it reaches £100 a......
The Police Have Detected And Punished A Very Dangerous...
of debasing coin. James Clifford, formerly employed at Wool- wich, had learned how to take away gold from a sovereign by an electro process, and had employed his knowledge on a......
Dr. Livingstone's Death Has Again Been Falsely Rumoured....
from Captain the Honourable Ernest Cochrane, dated the 7th January, on Her Majesty's ship Peterel, on the west coast of Africa, states that Dr. Livingstone had been murdered......