A considerable deputation of men eminent in acienee waited on
Earl de Grey and Mr. Forster on Friday, to press upon them the expediency of appointing a Commission to inquire into the rela- tions between the Government and Science. The idea of the deputation, as expressed by Professor Stokes, was that Govern.. merit did not extend enough patronage to science, although it made a few grants for scientific objects, and placed £1,000 a year. at the disposal of the Royal Society. He thought very ima portant experimental inquiries might be aided by the State with advantage, but he wanted above all things inquiry. Professor Huxley supported the inquiry, but was clearly of opinion that the State might do as much harm as good by grants for anything but primary instruction, and the deputation generally were a little vague as to their precise objects. Earl de Grey promised to lay the question before his colleagues.