5 FEBRUARY 1876, Page 1

M. Butrct has been beaten. In spite of the Marshal-Presi-

dent's letter, and the circulars to the Prefects, and the strong pressure exerted on the Mayors, the Senatorial Delegates have sent up 110 Republicans, mostly Moderates, 36 Bonapartista, 58 Orleanists and friends of the Marshal, and 21 -Legitimists.- To these must be added 57 Republican life-members, 3 MacMahon- /tee, and 15 Legitimists, making the totals 167 Republicans, against 61 Orleanists and friends of the President, 36 Bonapartists, and 36 Legitimists, or 133 in all. The Republicans, therefore, are masters of the Senate, even without the abstinence of the Legitimists, which in Orleanist or Bonapartist crises M. Gam- betta can always secure. They have no motive for voting for a eevision or a dissolution which can bring them no advantage, while they dislike the Republic less than any form of government ex-

cept pure Monarchy. It follows that the Marshal-President cannot dissolve the Chamber which is to be elected on the 20th inst., without the consent of the Moderate Republican party.