5 FEBRUARY 1876, page 1

Mr. Cave Returns To England In A Few Days, Having,

it is re- ported, completed his mission. Clearly, then, his mission had not the object assigned to it in this country. Even if Mr. Cave had been a man with a genius for finance......

„,* The Editors Cannot Undertake Td Return Manuscript In Any


Mr. Disraeli Has Been Watering His Conservatory With...

has given one to Mr. J. H. Scourfield, M.P. for Pembroke- shire ; another to Colonel 4. T. V. Gilpin, who has been Member for Bedfordshire for a quarter of a century ; a third......

News Of Rilhe Week.

T "Queen will open Parliament in person on Tuesday, and the dullest Recess we ever remember will be at an end. The Queen is also about to hold a Court, and the two incidents are......

Lieutenant-colonel Burne, Now In The Council Of India,...

Military Secretary to Lord Mayo, is to accompany Lord Lytton to India as Private Secretary. If that selection has been made by Lord Lytton, it is creditable to his judgment,......

There Is Evidently Fierce Resistance At Constantinople To...

Note, and according to the latest telegrams, which, however, may be quite false, a compromise has been suggested not very favourable to Austrian dignity. The Note is to be read......

M. Butrct Has Been Beaten. In Spite Of The Marshal-presi-

dent's letter, and the circulars to the Prefects, and the strong pressure exerted on the Mayors, the Senatorial Delegates have sent up 110 Republicans, mostly Moderates, 36......

Lord Penzance Delivered Judgment On Thursday In The Case Of

the Rev. C. J. Ridsdale, incumbent of St. Peter's, Folkestone. On the question of the vestments, the use of the alb and chasuble in celebrating the Communion, all argument had......